College & Career Information
Interested in going to college for FREE? Come by my office and I will give you information regarding Oklahoma’s Promise or you can visit their website at This program is available to all 8th, 9th and 10th graders whose parents earn $50,000 or less. All college bound sophomores, juniors and seniors need to sign up for an ACT test. I have applications in my office or you can apply online at Last but not least seniors, get ready to fill out lots and lots of scholarship applications. I have a few scholarships listed on our website or you can pick up a financial aid resource list in my office. I hope everyone has an awesome year!
Tasha Garrett, School Counselor
400 S. Tiger Blvd.
Sterling, OK. 73567
(580) 365-4303
[email protected]
- Graduation Requirements for Sterling High School and State of Oklahoma.
- Essay Contest- John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest, Oklahoma Ready Mixed Concrete Association